we finally got home last nite about 11:00pm, it was a wonderful zone conference with Elder and Sister Paya of the Seventy, He talked about obedience as it relates to being better missionaries He used many scriptures as it relates to the promises made by the Lord as we are obedient in teaching the gospel. He and Sister Paya are from France and his Polish is very limited and it was cute how he would ask " how to say" a particular word, He asked how to say Poland in Polish, It's Polska, then he repeated it about 5 times and said see how well I'm learning the language,?. In Sister Paya's talk she talked about the words of Pres. Faust,
Faith is the power.........works
Obedience is the Price.....qualifies to be an instrument in the Lord's hands
The Spirit is the key.....to be effective
Love is the motive....love the people
And Christ is the Reason.... made it all possible and how we can apply each of these to our lives as missionaries.
Such a great conference and so many things brought to our remembrance of why we're in Poland and what our purpose is, Truly we are sent here so specific purposes. so my question continues to be " Lord , thou hast sent me here, what would thou have me do?"