So tomorrow the sr. sisters are preparing a luncheon for a wedding, croissants with chicken salad, buki with ham and ser(cheese) and lettuce. juice , and wedding cake, It's amazing they are getting married as most couples in Poland don't , just live together for several years til they have enough money to get married, Rafael has been a member for quite a while and Agnieska will be a member a year in a week or so. They will go to the temple in April or May, forgot which. because the temple is out of the country, couples can go up to 3 months after the wedding.
In Poland all marriages have to be performed by the state first, then the couple can have a church wedding or whatever, so first we will go to the building were the official ceremony will be done by the state, then the luncheon, then the bride and groom go to dinner with the immediate family, then a party for all that evening, like a reception. Also in Poland , people don't have to wait a year to go to the temple, so they are going in April, Agnieska will be a member a year the end of Feb. Rafael has been a member for quite a while, don't know for sure how long.
State Official, Great Seal of Poland
Rafiel & Agnieska
The Wedding Cake
Eating Wedding Cake
Me, Agnieska, Rafiel & Sister Briggs