Dzien dobry,
Tthe work in Poland continues to go forward howbeit very slowly, The vision of L. Tom Perry is truly correct as the youth are the ones generally more willing to listen to the missionaries. Institute here begins in Oct. after a long summer break, so many kids leave the city for the summer it's hard to have much of any kind of program. so we're startig again and hopefully all the kids will return. I do stay busy teaching sewing classes, go to Wroclaw once a month and teach a group there, 4 YW and 4 RS. sisters. and this week will start teaching another class here in Bydgoszcz.
It's so much fun to see the sisters, young and old, excited about making their own clothes. We started with making pajama pants and after class in Wroclaw the sisters did a little fashion show wearing their new pjs and did a funny little stomp dance. it was way cute. This month we are doing baby blankets, a different way to bind the edges, simple projects, but learning none the less. it's great fun.
In August I received a package from my girls, love to get packages and letters and emails with pictures. Among all the goodies from my family there were two letters from Primary kids in their ward in Phoenix with Flat Jim and Flat Choco. two little missionaries to serve mini missions here in Bydgoszcz. we had a great time doing splits with other missionaries and going to church. They will be returning to Phx. this week after about two busy weeks serving here. Hopefully I can attach some pictures. Not always successful there. .
do widzenia, Siostra Austin
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