From Email Sent August 12, 2010:
just got back from Warsaw and am beyond bushed., we had the most amazing
time with sister Nielson, the new mission matron. We met her at the Bubble
Mall in Warsaw and shopped a bit, found my favorite store in Poland Van
Graaf, and they carry Brookshire shirts and clothes and I love the quality
and the style, only a bit expensive, but worth it, a typical button up shire
made from cotton blend is about 99zl, so really that is about $34 or sol.
not too bad and fit so much better than WalMart stuff. sleeves are long
enough. Guess it's about like Miller Rhodes.
So we shopped for a bit then decided to go to Adam's Ties, He manufactures
men' s neck ties here in Poland for several different men's stores. among
them are Pierre Car'mdin and some I didn't recognize, any way Sister Nielson
and I had never been there and sister Marshall didn't know the way, so got
out her trusty map with key places marked, like the mall, the Church, the
mission home and Adam's ties, so off we went Sister Nielson was driving,
Sister Marshall navigating and I'm in the back seat reading street signs,
only one able to see them and somewhat read them, so Sister Nielson thought
we were not on the right road and said we needed a conference, so pulled up
on the sidewalk between a light pole and a street sign and really checked
the map. decided we were on the right track and just waved her arm out the
window and took off. then continued on that way for a bit and didn't get in
the right lane to make a turn, so just pulled in the safety lane and turned
around, After only 5 weeks in the country she's a real Polish driver. Then a
bit later on we weren't sure if we were on the right road again an did
another sidewalk conference. The statement "if you don't like the way I
drive, stay off the sidewalk" really applies here. She is a riot. love her
to pieces. Got to Adam's Ties and that place is amazing, probably several
thousand or more ties. I did take several pictures and will attempt to ssend
them to you and did buy some ties, then went to a Polish Pottery place and then to
dinner and then to the mission home to crash. today was a zone leader
conference and we helped cook for that and then needed to alter skirts for
Sister Nielson, that's what we went over for. and then home on the train,
another 5 hours,
Train rides are no longer an exciting event and next week I need to Wroclaw
to teach another sewing class. hope I don't have an adventure like last
well better get to bed, tomorrow is YSA and I think we're playing Ping Pong